Organometallics & Materials Chemistry Lab
Department of Chemistry, IIT Bombay

4. When does a nitrogen attached to a λ3-phosphorus assume a pyramidal geometry? Crystal structures of Group 6 metal carbonyl complexes of isomeric forms of λ3-cyclotriphosphazanes
R. Murugavel, S.S. Krishnamurthy* and M. Nethaji
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1993, 3635-3639.
3. Synthesis, spectral characterization and single-crystal structure of a bicyclic tetraphosphapentazane tetraoxide, N5P4Et5O4(OC6H3Me2-2,6)2
R. Murugavel, S.S. Krishnamurthy* and M. Nethaji
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1993, 2569-73.
2. Organometallic chemistry of diphosphazanes. Part 7. Platinum(II), palladium-(0), -(I) and -(II) complexes of RN[P(OPh)2]2 (R = Me or Ph)
M.S. Balakrishna, S.S. Krishnamurthy*, R. Murugavel, M. Nethaji and I.I. Mathews
J. Chem.Soc., Dalton Trans., 1993, 477-82.
1. Syntheses, spectroscopy, structures, and conformations of l3-cyclotriphosphazanes: role of negative hyperconjugation
R. Murugavel, S.S. Krishnamurthy*, J. Chandrasekhar and M. Nethaji