Organometallics & Materials Chemistry Lab
Department of Chemistry, IIT Bombay

43. Synthesis and structure of a novel terminal imido complex of titanium
B.R. Jagirdar*, R. Murugavel and H. G. Schmidt
Inorg. Chim.Acta, 1999, 292, 105-107.
42. Molecular titanosiloxanes as model compounds and precursors for titanosilicate materials
R. Murugavel*
In Advances In Metallo-organic Chemistry, 1999, pp.77-88 (Ed. R. Bohra), RBSA publishers.
41. Monovalent Group 13 organometallic compounds: weak association to monomeric, versatile two-electron donors
R. Murugavel* and V. Chandrasekhar*
Angew.Chem., 1999, 38, 1211-1215.
40. Molecular Phosphonate Cages: Model Compounds and Starting Materials for Phosphate Materials
M. G. Walawalkar, H. W. Roesky* and R. Murugavel
Acc. Chem. Res., 1999, 32, 117-126.
39. Conversion of Alkyltantalum Chlorides to Fluorides Using Trimethyltin Fluoride as a Fluorinating Agent. Crystal Structures of (p-MeC6H4CH2)3TaF2,
(Me3SnCl•Me3SnF•TaF5)n, (Me3Si)2CHTaCl4,{(Me3Si)2CHTaCl4•[(Me3Si)2CH]2Ta2Cl6(m2-O)}, and (Me3Si)2CHTaF4
O.I. Guzyr, M. Schormann, J. Schimkowiak, H. W. Roesky*, C. Lehmann, M. G. Walawalkar, R. Murugavel, H. G. Schmidt and M. Noltemeyer,
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 832-836.
38. Reactions of Trialkyl Phosphates with Trialkyls of Aluminum and Gallium: New Route to Alumino- and Gallophosphate Compounds via Dealkylsilylation
J. Pinkas, D. Chakraborty, Y. Yang, R. Murugavel, M. Noltemeyer and H. W. Roesky*
Organometallics, 1999, 18, 523-528.
37. Organosilanetriols: model compounds and potential precursors for metal-containing silicate assemblies
R. Murugavel, M. Bhattacharjee and H. W. Roesky*